Monday, April 27, 2009


All those moments will be lost in time,
like tears in the rain,
all those flares will now
turn dreams to clouds that will never rain.
If only it were the last time for dreams to burn out...

If only I could wish for my next life,
a wish not to come here again
all alone...I fear,
fear to see pain melting away with tears.
If only this life were the last one to live...

For the last time the painting faded
& let it be the last time for the brush,
let the spills flow away with the memories
not to fill in the eyes of a doll.
It is the last time for the doll...

The half open windows winced,
the sun outside sulked like the new moon,
the gliding steps never stunned
the silence of the corridor.
It is the last wait for the corridor...

I don’t know how many seconds are left
of my millennium: Perhaps the last
dull flutters of the melting wax.
I’ll make them ages by my dying gasps, waiting for you.
It is the last breath of the millennium...

A kiss I know was unreasonable
may be it was not the last for it.
Tears compensated your place,
kissed me all over & loved me till all was wet,
for it was the last time I got wet...

Don't know life will open up eyes again,
wished to live the emotions of each second,
breath in all the fumes of the blown candle of life.
do not anymore come & knock on this door.
My door is locked for the last time...

If only I could be free
free from guilt for the last time
guilt of expecting or not expecting.
I can't spot it to happen & can't wait for it to happen.
Come & kiss me as if it were the last time.

Copyright © 2017 by Oliva Rath. All rights reserved. This material cannot be copied and reproduced in any form without permission.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful use of simple words n lines....which very clearly...expreesses the pain n d burn that a person is feeling for another one...

    gud work dear..keep it up...


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