Friday, August 14, 2009


Ah friendship! To what depths can you plummet,
In the advent of your sombre twilight?

Does your back oozing red not highlight
The stark imminence of your sorry death?

Time was when you fed your morsels of faith
To a parched palate lying stripped of taste;
But all now fills this drab expanse of waste
Is the portent of your lumbering wraith!

Yes, I, the wretched king of 'ungrateful's,
Has seen you writhing in my betrayal,
Despite your standing by gold-tinted rules-
All of which- now consigned to history,
Has, doubtless, enticed the friend disloyal
To stab your back to end your misery.

Copyright © 2017 by Oliva Rath. All rights reserved. This material cannot be copied and reproduced in any form without permission.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Cry you not dear, shed not in vain tears,
And drop not your shoulders often,
For then, your own zillion faceless fears,
You merely let quickly embolden!
Let instead your eyes brightly capture
The muted rumblings in million heads,
Souls of which shall ne'er feel the rapture
Of taste of bread, or a wink on beds...
Beds, the likes of which you daily grace,
Are but wishful thoughts best swept aside
For 'nother birth on Earth's ruthless face,
So why not stifle the dream inside?
Yeah, why not inside, the emptiness?
Left behind by man's fervent rampage
Turning greenly grass to concrete mess-
Halt, witness mankind's 'coming-of-age'!
And what woe 'coming-of-age' entails
For the trodden down,is in your eyes,
So if you must cry, then pick their trails
And shed your tears for their muted cries!
Your fears shall then break asunder,
And each piece for each man shall adorn
A shield resisting meek surrender,
And then, your tears shall have justice borne.

Copyright © 2017 by Oliva Rath. All rights reserved. This material cannot be copied and reproduced in any form without permission.


You are famous as a poet,
respected, honored & weighed.
Don’t you feel guilty
indulging in sinful infidelity?

You are a human, so fallible
with instinctive urges insatiable.
Don’t you feel the burden of social concession
on your poetic aberration?

You write on social shame,
veil yourself & save your fragile fame.
Don’t your fingers tire
Gaming long as facile liar?

You are an aged criminal
insensitively murdering manly morale.
There is no fair trial to prove you innocent.
Write on what you are & accept it as your punishment.

Copyright © 2017 by Oliva Rath. All rights reserved. This material cannot be copied and reproduced in any form without permission.

Monday, May 25, 2009


[Night Queen gestured a goodbye kiss
Decieved dusk out & seduced me in.
'Hope' dragged me deep into her
Only to sense love & time to pause,
The earth shook in delightful swagger,
The leafy sky patches engraved the amour.

Rang the bells of love’s dawn song
To embellish the earth with love.
I crafeted a dream to vain creation,
Prolong the history of mortality,
Hold back Night Queen in possession,
Wet her in my unsatiated flames of expectation.]

“Hey Night Queen...fling & spread your arms
Cast them wide & bar the spying sun.
Let me love my love under your veil
Make it warm & do not bewray,
Play the tune, O forlorn night’s bird
Dim you & save my grace, O stars above.

Live long the Night Queen & record on reign
Deepen enough the love’s Poseidon's realm.
Enslave us within it & sentence forever bondage,
Bind us both & bless us with trust,
Worry not, I realise you have it in shortage,
Our love will grow trust & you hoard it undamaged”.

Copyright © 2017 by Oliva Rath. All rights reserved. This material cannot be copied and reproduced in any form without permission.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The autumn leaves have blown away,
which used to grow once on trees,
the beautiful moments I once spent with you,
have now just become memories.

The bird has spread its wings out
and flown into the open world,
Oh, when... when will it return
to its loving heart!!!

The world may say anything
my virgin soul will always disagree,
I have captived you in my heart
and I can't set you free.

Copyright © 2017 by Oliva Rath. All rights reserved. This material cannot be copied and reproduced in any form without permission.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


“Push.....Push....Yes...Yes...Push it harder.”
“Is it out??”
“No. Sigh!!!”
“Give it another try. You will soon see a new face.”
And my final ordeal began. The empyrean excitement to hold for the first time, a life which I could say is OURS, filled me with a tremendous flow of fluid to make it even easier for me. I could feel the uncontrolable urge to push it out as fast as possible. All women out there would understand. I could fancy a happy complete family of mine. I just needed to push it a little harder. It was choking me heavily to death, but still I was ready to take all fear & pain for the sweet dream I saw. I was scared to hurt the new one while I clambered. Each time I tried to push, it came out to the tip of my tongue.... but, again slickly slipped back all the way deep into my heart as I drank away my saliva to slacken my strained nerves.
“Could you let it out this time?”
“No. I couldn’t”.
"But what went wrong this time???"
My words tried to come out kicking back at my heart with all force. But I could not speak out a single word. With a bated breath, I kept struggling to say. They kept encouraging me. But my fear to face something unacceptable held me back... What if I give birth to a dead child??? And what if the child is derelicted by this cruel world??? I knew...the longer I held it back, the remote became my chances to feel the first touch of a new RELATIONSHIP. I left it to time & fate knowing that it would be even painful for me to helplessly witness my apprehensions come true than to keep struggling with my words forever inside. I am still going through LABOUR PAIN.

Copyright © 2017 by Oliva Rath. All rights reserved. This material cannot be copied and reproduced in any form without permission.

Monday, May 4, 2009


The numb, pale old body
I gazed at the face, so blue
gazed at the veins
so prominent...stuck to the body outside
so cold & hard from inside.

Oh heaven! Oh heaven! hold on,
cure the body or else take on.
Such pain & sorrow
that clouded over him
as if he was reciting his last hymn.

Better take up the life
or take away his life.
Address death to pain
which would be justice done
but no more restrain.

Life is a game of god
two options to avail...losing life
or searching peace in pain.

Now let the soul rest in peace
reward his pain with a life in heaven.
Those eyes with tears of pearl on a faded face
had to part forever from the nameless grace.
Don't hold back this time...for I'll be the one to cheer much
at the final medal of life he wins
at his last breath...

Copyright © 2017 by Oliva Rath. All rights reserved. This material cannot be copied and reproduced in any form without permission.



Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I still remember the run. I was running to catch it...very fast...even faster. The excitement to catch it made me forget the distance & direction. The mischievous wind soughing in my hair, the speed which light would fear... This was the passion. I kept running ups & lows trouncing successfully know not what number of huddles. The ecstacy seethed through each pore on my skin, the moment I saw myself nearing my catch. For a moment I felt blessed with Arjun's Eye. I kept ignoring my gasp which grew with the gallop of my feet. Arms stretched, greedy fist, heart's fandango, eyes wide open to imprint & captivate the moment's excitement for time immemorial...I run finally. Yes, only a grab away..... And....... O God!!!!! I turned with rage to see someone pulling me back. "Stop it. It's not yours. It was never yours. Let it go free". My senses freezed ever securing the moment's feel. The words echoed hard in me burrying my heart's cry deep within. I saw her calm & sinless; smiling or mocking at my foolishness??? She was my conscience. I saw myself holding me back. I never walked a step without her before. Now, how could I do this? I think she was right. It was never mine. But I was not ready to absorb it even if I accepted it. The momentary pleasure of having something which was never meant to be yours, sometimes makes human beings crave. I am a human being. Was I saved? Was it that I succumbed to fear...fear of losing? Or was it that I became a slave of my non-performance? I never questioned back at her. May be all she did that day was a blessing in disguise. I love her. Or did I love him???

Copyright © 2017 by Oliva Rath. All rights reserved. This material cannot be copied and reproduced in any form without permission.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Eternal bliss fermented in the ignorant heart,
emotions plunged out for a moment into that torrent of sensation
turning minutes into endless millennium...
D parted gladly away for the passionate affliction.

A voyage galloped in the midst of uncounterable waves,
no meridian checkerboard could guide the way
D dips into the deadly calmness of rational shell,
away from the fiery effusions of emotional rage...

The voiceless soul tearing out of the silhouettes of emotions
threading its way through the labyrinth of relationships
THAT ASSULT the very existance of D;
Memories enshrined in the heart, changing conceptions of the world.
Aimless impulses of emotions & reverie,
the nameless burden of perception
that encumbered the prosaic life,
all bubbled out of those innocent perforation...


Copyright © 2017 by Oliva Rath. All rights reserved. This material cannot be copied and reproduced in any form without permission.


All those moments will be lost in time,
like tears in the rain,
all those flares will now
turn dreams to clouds that will never rain.
If only it were the last time for dreams to burn out...

If only I could wish for my next life,
a wish not to come here again
all alone...I fear,
fear to see pain melting away with tears.
If only this life were the last one to live...

For the last time the painting faded
& let it be the last time for the brush,
let the spills flow away with the memories
not to fill in the eyes of a doll.
It is the last time for the doll...

The half open windows winced,
the sun outside sulked like the new moon,
the gliding steps never stunned
the silence of the corridor.
It is the last wait for the corridor...

I don’t know how many seconds are left
of my millennium: Perhaps the last
dull flutters of the melting wax.
I’ll make them ages by my dying gasps, waiting for you.
It is the last breath of the millennium...

A kiss I know was unreasonable
may be it was not the last for it.
Tears compensated your place,
kissed me all over & loved me till all was wet,
for it was the last time I got wet...

Don't know life will open up eyes again,
wished to live the emotions of each second,
breath in all the fumes of the blown candle of life.
do not anymore come & knock on this door.
My door is locked for the last time...

If only I could be free
free from guilt for the last time
guilt of expecting or not expecting.
I can't spot it to happen & can't wait for it to happen.
Come & kiss me as if it were the last time.

Copyright © 2017 by Oliva Rath. All rights reserved. This material cannot be copied and reproduced in any form without permission.